cat /dev/maxilys

A glance in the mind of a KDE/Linux developer to see how ideas turn into code.


No gingerbread...

Finally, I'm back to where... I was yesterday... again! During the night, Serenity window decoration hit an invisible barrier at high speed and --of course-- disintegrated itself.

As usual, I was driving my coding vehicle way beyond the speed limit on a highway toward the wonderful city of New-Release. Probably because of the lack of lights on the french highways, I saw nothing. All of sudden, I found myself sliding on my rear end with nothing left but the wheel in my hands. My brand new Windec 1.7 was far away behind me under the form of a pile of spare parts.

My insurance company agreed to bring me back home with my ton of spare parts. Then, all I had to do was to start again from my old Windec 1.6. No problem. But this time, I drove more carefully and brought my wannabe-new Windec to the garage after each part I added to check everything.

Now, I'm back to this moment where I'm about to change this big part of the body. The very moment that led me to the catastrophic disintegration. Wish me luck! ;-)

And the gingerbread?

Yesterday, I bought the best gingerbread I've ever eaten. So, for the unfortunate ones that can't find a french bakery at every corner of the streets, I wanted to give some gingerbread to their eyes: snapshots!

I partially re-designed the configuration dialog to give you a better control over the colors of the windec buttons. As I already previously wrote, it was a total mess with a lot of (hidden) inter-dependencies that clouded your choice. I was trying to be too smart and to always obtain an "optimal" result whatever choices you could make. Now, it's your responsability if you choose wrong colors that render the buttons invisible. There are rare cases where it's possible but that's not important since that's a result you can also obtain when you select "Toolbuttons" as button type. And an old friend from the early days is back: the standard highlight color. You can use it for the hovered or pressed buttons.

Well, there are so many things I could say but it would be better to show them, one way or another.

Any way, yesterday, I was also decided to show the new body of my Windec 1.7 --some visible changes around the titlebar-- but I had to made that body change first. And here came the unlightened highway during my test drive... and the mysterious silent crash.

No gingerbread, today. ;-)

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