cat /dev/maxilys

A glance in the mind of a KDE/Linux developer to see how ideas turn into code.



Keep It Simple Stupid! That's the fundamental principle I'm applying to Kassie. I removed all unnecessary dialogs asking "Do you want to do that?" I found only two cases where such a dialog is useful: When you enter the name of a new session to create it, if it's already running or if it already exists. Since you have to go over the entire menu --which lists all your available sessions-- that can only mean that you didn't pay attention, so to give you a chance to correct your error isn't superfluous.

The session "Blah Blah" already exists. Do you want to open it? Yes, No, Cancel.

The session "Blah Blah" is already running. Do you want to bring it to foreground? Yes, No, Cancel.

If you cancel, nothing happens. You say "No", you go back to enter a name. Something happens only if you say "Yes". The session gets opened or brought to the foreground.


Thanks to punit and mkIV, I removed the laughable "Do you want to..." (Too "windish"!) ;-) and put meaningful labels on the buttons. So the two dialogs now say:

The session "Blah Blah" already exists. [Open it] [New Name...] [Cancel]

The session "Blah Blah" is already running. [Bring to foreground] [New Name...] [Cancel]

I will probably change "Bring to foreground" (split on two lines to keep a reasonable width) into something shorter but, any way, that's already better! Thanks, guys.


That's the brand new thing in Kassie: Handling the virtual desktops and the windows. I thought it would be difficult because I had a quick look at the sources of Taskbar v2 a long time ago and I remembered that it was rather obscure. That's because a task manager does much more than Kassie needs. It turned out it's extremely easy. Since Kassie is already dealing with the running instances of Kate, it knows their PID (sort of...) and all it has to do is get their winID (window identifier) then ask KWin to activate the corresponding window. And KWin does everything: to switch eventually to the right desktop and to raise the window. It amazed me when I first saw this.

Once I had overcome this little obstacle, I could do much more. So now, Kassie puts a little icon in front of a running session in the list of the available ones and when you click on it, it doesn't stupidly open a second instance of this session but brings it to the foreground. No question, no nothing. The icon tells everything... Go! Swift switch! ;-)

Now, one thing was missing: The anonymous sessions. I couldn't add them to the list of available sessions. They would have looked out of place. I then added another menu to Kassie. When you click on the icon with a keyboard modifier (Shift, Control, Alt, Meta, you choose), the popup menu shows you the list of the running sessions (a.k.a. instances) and a click brings the one you want to the foreground... or, if you prefer, it brings you to it. Swift switch again! ;-)

When I work, I'm used to separate what I work on from what I use to do my researches (API, docs, sample code, etc) on several desktops and when I've found what I wanted... Where is my Kate? The previews in the desktop manager are useless and nothing looks more like the reduced image of a source code than another reduced image of a source code. Taskbar v2's previews are nice but won't help you to make the difference in this case.

Kassie knows. Control + click and you can choose which window you want to see... right now! Whatever the desktop or the number of windows hiding Kate, a click and you'll be able to type right away. Neat! ;-)

And I added a title to the menus to make things clearer. Sorry, no snapshot today. Kassie must have reached the version 1.9999999... The next snapshots will be on KDE-apps.

The ones used to my work should notice something: No overcrowded configuration dialog with two dozens of checkboxes and another dozen of comboboxes. Nothing! All you need to learn about Kassie is that you can use a keyboard modifier to click, the rest is obvious: simple click or drop.

K.I.S.S.! ;-)

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At 03 March, 2007 18:03, Blogger punit said...

I think that "Yes, No, Cancel" do not convey the right semantics, especially "No". While reading your post I felt that "No" and "Cancel" evoke the same idea to me.

I would try changing "No" to "Rename" or something which more clearly expresses the action.

What do you think?

At 03 March, 2007 18:23, Blogger Maxilys said...

Request granted. I'll remove the "Do you want..." and put explicit texts in the buttons. I'm using KDE's very standard dialogs but nothing forces me to. I can do better...

At 05 March, 2007 11:49, Blogger Unknown said...

How about instead of "Bring to foreground" just "Show"? Seems pretty clear (to me at least ;-)), and it's shorter too.

At 05 March, 2007 13:43, Blogger Maxilys said...

@Kenneth: I was thinking about "Show it", "Go to it", even "Show it to me", and I chose "Display it". None of these labels is as good as "Bring it to foreground" but I refuse to stay stuck on this little button that most of the people won't even see. My decision is definitive... until I change my mind. ;-)


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